There are plenty of things we need to survive through life: food, water, shelter and, of course, insurance. There are all types of insurances, but one of the most important is life insurance. Although it’s well known, about 41% of adults in the United States alone don’t have it! Hopefully, you won’t need to use it for a long time, but you should be prepared.
The main goal of life insurance is to help support your family after your passing. This can include a husband/wife, children, and parents. This insurance can help to cover funeral and burial costs, which average more than $6,000. It can also help with extra expenses and bills due to the lack of income that isn’t coming into the household anymore.
There are a variety of life insurance options out there, and here at Rothenberger Insurance Services we can help you find the right one that fits your needs. Especially in this day and age where life expectancy is getting longer as our world progresses. You may be worrying about the rates you’d have to pay, but since people are living longer and healthier lives that means life insurance rates are dropping and becoming affordable for you! In the end, insurance is worth it, because it helps give you that peace of mind knowing your family will be cared for after you pass.
Life is full of twists and turns, but it’s guaranteed that we can’t always know what’s around the corner! Live your life to the fullest and plan ahead to make sure you and your family have a sound future in case of the inevitable. You can contact us for any questions or if you’d like to acquire a policy.
Rothenberger Insurance Services is a full-service insurance company that specializes in auto insurance, home insurance, life insurance and all commercial insurance services. We are located in West Reading PA and help many individuals and businesses in and around West Lawn PA, Wyomissing PA and Reading PA.
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