safety tips for halloween and trick or treating

Safety Tips for Halloween

As we get closer to the end of October, that means Halloween will soon be upon us! With that comes a fun night of trick-or-treating for you and your family; or maybe you enjoy giving the treats. No matter which you prefer, you want to make sure the night is safe and fun.

For those with children, they are most likely coming up with countless ideas for what they want to be. Once they finally decide and the night of trick-or-treating arrives, here are a few safety tips to remember.

  1. Always walk on sidewalks or pathways.
  2. Check both ways before crossing the street and follow all street signs.
  3. Use a flashlight when walking in an area that is not well-lit.
  4. Only let your young children go trick-or-treating with a reliable adult or guardian.
  5. Once home, inspect all goodie bags to make sure none of the items are unsafe.
  6. And lastly, don’t let them eat too much candy!

If you’re the individual who prefers to stay home and greet trick-or-treaters, you want to make sure your home is ready! Below are a few items you can do:

  1. Clean your walkway or steps and make sure there aren’t any obstacles that could cause an individual to fall.
  2. Make sure your front walkway, steps, and porch are well-lit.
  3. If you have pets, keep them in a different room so they won’t react every time the doorbell rings or attacks any of the trick-or-treaters.
  4. And lastly, as always, make sure your homeowner’s insurance is up-to-date.

No matter how you celebrate Halloween, have a fun night!

Rothenberger Insurance Services is a full-service insurance company that specializes in auto insurance, home insurance, life insurance and all commercial insurance services. We are located in West Reading PA and help many individuals and businesses in and around West Lawn PA, Wyomissing PA and Reading PA.

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