Rothenburger Insurance Services LLC provides homeowners insurance to homeowners in the Wyomissing, Reading, and West Lawn areas.

Prevent Holiday House Fires

by Sean Wyandt

It is that time of year again. Many houses now have Christmas trees and lights going up all around. Although not overly common, the damage of a fire from these holiday decorations can be much more devastating. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, on average, there would be one death out of every 144 structure fires, but if the fire is caused by a Christmas tree, that statistic jumps to 1 in 31.

Now that we know that these holiday house fires are more dangerous, lets look at why they occur.

  • One in four comes from a heat source to close to the tree.
  • Most others stem from faulty or overloaded electrical outlets or wires.

If you are interested in preventing a disaster like a Christmas tree fire, please take some time and look at the info graph made by the U.S. Fire Administration to help avoid the trauma of a Christmas fire and guide you to a safe New Year.


Put a Freeze on Winter Holiday Fires Infographic, holiday house fires

Rothenberger Insurance Services is a full-service insurance company that specializes in all personal and commercial insurance services. We are located in West Reading and help many individuals and businesses in and around West Lawn, Wyomissing and Reading.

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