Prepare your family for a fire. Make sure you have Homeowners Insurance.

Preparing for a Fire

Prepare your family for a fire. Make sure you have Homeowners Insurance.

With everything that has happened over the past year, one thing many of us have learned is to be prepared! You never know when a disaster, such as a fire, is going to strike and making sure your family has a plan is important.

With that in mind, is your family prepared should a fire happen? While everyone should have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, not everyone actually prepares their family with a plan in the event of a fire.

Let’s discuss what you should do to prepare:

  • Create an escape plan for each room and discuss possible alternatives.
  • Have a location outside where everyone will meet, whether it be a tree in your yard, or a neighbor’s house. Know where you’re going.
  • Run through your scenarios to ensure every family member knows how to get out of the house, should they be by themselves.
  • Make sure everyone knows their full name, address and phone number.
  • If your home doesn’t have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, add them. And be sure to check their batteries regularly.
  • Review your homeowner’s insurance. Make sure everything is up-to-date and your home, and the items inside are covered in the event of a fire.

What can you do to prevent a fire?

While it’s not something you really can prevent, there are things you can do to help to avoid a fire from happening. Here are a few:

  • Never leave a candle lit unattended or lit while you’re away or sleeping.
  • Avoid plugging too many plugs into one outlet.
  • When cooking, keep flammable items away from the stove.
  • If you have a fireplace, have the chimney cleaned and inspected yearly.
  • Keep items that can start fire away from children

In the end, it is better to be prepared than not at all. Should you find that you’re in need of homeowner’s insurance, contact us today!

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